Friday, March 6, 2009

Process Journals

Week One:

We began our Flat Classroom Project by watching Mr. Thomas Friedman's video on his book: 'The World is Flat'. I to read the wiki article on it, and reflected on the video in my blog. We were to do this by creating an account on Blogger and naming in Grade 10 IT. I also wrote a summary of the MYP Design Cycle and an overview of the Flat Classroom Project in my blogs.

Week Two:

During this second week, I read the summary of Mr. Friedman's book, and wrote a blog about the videos on Mr. Friedman and the wiki article that I read last week. I also analyzed two videos from previous projects and posted the analysis on my Blogger account.

Week Three:

I explored the Flat Classroom Project 2008, 2007, and 2006 to get an idea of what is expected of us during this project.

I wrote two blogs on digital storytelling and social entrepreneurs. I found this to be an excellent task because I learned what digital storytelling was, and what is needed to make a digital story good. To research this form of storytelling further, I looked at some other resources that Mr. Jones provided for us on our class wikispace.

Week Four

I summarized the fourteenth chapter of 'The World is Flat' and wrote a mini-lesson on ten forces that flattened the world.

Week Five:

I began this week by creating a Multimedia overview of your assigned chapter, including information, examples, and images. I created a design brief and a storyboard, and wrote a mini-investigation of the multimedia project. After reviewing the Flat Classroom wikispace, I signed up for the Flat Classroom NING.

Week Six:

I crossposted Chapter Summary blog to my NING, and wrote a blog introduction as well. I contacted Team members, Erin Gunn, Frank B, and others. I joined Team Blog on my NING. I began working on my wiki by researching researching articles. I was sure to tag everything I did.

Week Seven:

I found news articles on my topic: Uploading information - Social Entrepreneurship. I also started the first stages of planning my video piece related to your topic. I decided to choose Facebook as my artifact. I was sure to use the Design Cycle and to storyboard my process.

Week Eight:

I continued working on my team wiki, and read and commented on Dr.Turner's Blog.

Everytime I came across a new article on Facebook, Web 2.0, Twitter, or any other communication tool, I would put it in our team wiki. I have also received contact from Frank B, my team member.

I was sure to use the discussion tab on your topic wiki to share my resources.

I have also added my request for an outsourced video clip the following 20 second clip: a student using Facebook to upload information.

Week Nine:

I have reviewed the specifications of my multimedia artifact on the project wiki and completed the wiki for homework. I have also watched Dr. Turner's keynote, and have left a comment thanking him for his feedback. I have also commented on a blog in my NING.

Week Ten:

All that is left for me to do this week is to write a blog reflection on your progress and to write a formal technology report following the Design Cycle Checklist.

Week Eleven:

I decided on my final digital story and kept it simple. I always remembered to take screenshots of everything I did. I also began working on my design stage and decided to do my plan stage over the weekend.

Week Twelve:

I completed my design and plan stages and began working on my video.

Reflection of Dr. Turner's Keynote

I found this keynote to be very beneficial. Some examples really made me see Dr. Turner's view of the 'flat world' in comparison to Mr. Thomas Friedman's view.

For starters, the Flat Classroom Conference is a great place to use your imagination, and you can learn a lot from people who share their ideas. Their ideas could possibly have an effect on yours.

His view of the 'flat world' is the following:

He thinks that it is beneficial to students in the sense that they use technology to be connected to their classmates, teachers, and other students and teachers all around the world. They also use it to upload and download information.