Saturday, February 28, 2009

What is a social entrepreneur?

A social entrepreneur is someone who recognizes a social problem and uses "entrepreneurial principles" to "organize, create, and manage a venture to make social change".

Digital Story

What is a digital story?

Digital Storytelling refers to using new digital tools to help ordinary people to tell their own real-life stories.

What makes a good digital story?

In digital storytelling, your main goal is always to tell an intriguing story. You should always focus on the story, not the technology. "A good story will overcome glitches in technology, but good technology won't do much for a bad story." It is important to plan out your story. The best way to do that is with a storyboard. The storyboard gives you some organization before you begin creating your story on the computer.

What HardWare and SoftWare are needed?




Digital Video Camera

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mr. Tom Friedman

Thomas Friedman is an award-winning American journalist, columnist and author, a contributor to The New York Times. He is a supporter of globalization and modernization.

He was born on born in 1953 and has won the prestigious Pullitzer Prize three times.

Mr. Friedman first discusses his views on globalization, terrorism, Kosovo War, the war in Iraq, and climate change in his book, The World Is Flat.